Feltwell Village Museum
Museum | Thetford | England | United Kingdom
The Feltwell Village Archive is a significant archive dedicated to the history of the village of Feltwell in Norfolk, England. It houses an extensive collection of photographs, written documents, and artifacts that document the life and development of the village community over the centuries.
Collections and Exhibitions:
Photographic Collection: The archive has a unique collection of photographs depicting old and new Feltwell. These images provide a visual insight into the changes in the village and its residents over time.
Written Documents: There is a variety of written materials, including church records, burial registers, and war grave lists. These documents date back to the 18th century and are valuable sources for genealogical research and local history.
Memorial plaques and mementos: The archive also contains memorial plaques and mementos to members of the Royal Air Force Feltwell, including articles about the airbase and memories from former soldiers.
Special Topics: Other collections focus on special topics such as the use of horses in agriculture, the history of education in Feltwell, and local sports teams.
Research Opportunities:
The archive offers researchers and the public the opportunity to view and study the collections. Visitors can use the materials to learn more about the history of Feltwell and its residents.
Online Resources:
Some parts of the collection are accessible online, including the "Photo of the Month" section, which regularly showcases selected images from the archive. These online resources allow a wider audience to gain insight into the history of Feltwell.
The Feltwell Village Archive plays a central role in preserving and sharing the history of Feltwell and its community, and is a valuable resource for anyone interested in local history.